This fresh, flavorful and wholesome dish is great for the entire family to devour. For the tofu tacos you’ll need smoked paprika, sea salt, bell peppers, red onions, corn tortillas, chili powder, lime juice, grape seed oil, soy sauce, red cabbage, cilantro, peach, apple cider vinegar and extra firm tofu. First cut all the veggies into small pieces and fry them in the pan. We recommend adding the spices depending on your taste. Remove the water from the tofu by wrapping it in a towel. Once dry marinate it in the spice mixture, then leave it while you heat up the tacos in a pan. To make the kale slaw you need to shred he kale and chop the peach and put it in a mixer. Once everything is chopped in small pieces add the lime juice and salt and pepper. Put the tofu into the tortilla with slaw on top and voila your tacos are ready to be devoured!